Thursday, December 10, 2009

Echolink for Mac

Great information for anyone wishing to access our repeater network with a Mac Computer. Visit the following website and download the free Echomac Software now!

It took me literally about 60 seconds to install it and then 60 more seconds to connect for the very first time. No issues with my wireless router either. This same process took me HOURS on my old PC.

Once installed look up our call sign W6CTR and connect. We look forward to talking with you on the air soon!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Newly Updated SCIRA, Inc. Brochure

We are pleased to release our newly updated SCIRA, Inc. Brochure. Please take a moment to download and print out several copies from our web site to share with others in your Wards and Stakes. We exist only through the wonderful donations from individuals like yourself!

Please consider . . .
Placing brochure copies on your Ward bulletin boards and in other areas were others will see it.
Making sure your Bishop and Stake President are aware of the Church's Emergency Response Communications (ERC) Network and SCIRA, Inc.
Discussing your own Stake and Ward emergency preparedness at your next Welfare Meetings and how it relates to the success of SCIRA, Inc.

We need everyones help and support! Spread the word of SCIRA, Inc.!

Aaron, Vice President

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Welcome aboard to our newest board members!

The SICRA, Inc. Board of Director's would like to congratulate Kristine L. Scullin, KI6RUN as our newly elected Treasurer and give a personal welcome to John Hunter, KJ6BWJ and Bob Moore, N6RRM who were both elected as Member at Large Director's at our November 18, 2009 board meeting.

We wish to further thank both Nyle G. Peterson, AC6DG and Karl Moody AE6TO for their service to SCIRA, Inc. These two fine gentlemen recently resigned from serving on the board which required the above elections. They aren't gone for good. We plan on rubbing shoulders with them as they continue to fulfill their callings at the Bishops' Storehouse!

Aaron, Vice President

Friday, November 13, 2009

Eagle Tower - Sees it's first Snow Fall of the year.

Hard to believe by a year ago this Halloween, Eagle Tower was delivered to it's permanent resting sight. We got it all done before the snow started to fly!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Eagle Tower - Antenna Maintenance

Hello all,

I finally was able squeeze in some time between jobs today and get the antenna optimized. It is now pointed directly at Huntington Beach. I also reset the Snow Peak link antenna.


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Eagle Tower Reaches the Low Desert!

Hello members. My family and I did some radio testing today of Eagle
Tower's coverage.

Equipment used: Comet SBB-7 antenna and a Kenwood D-710A @ 50 watts.

We were successful at hitting Eagle Tower as far south as HWY 111 and
Portola Ave intersection in Palm Desert.

Also as far East as Monterey Ave Off ramp & 10 FWY. I suspect it will
go farther too.

Also portions of Rancho Mirage.

And as far north as the Desert Hot Springs Ward Building!

That's pretty incredible. I didn't think this would be possible.

We talked with Craig (KF6ZAF) for most of the drive. Pretty clear.

We would love to hear back from you too!!

Aaron K6AMS

Sent from my iPhone.

Visit my Blog!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Eagle Tower Dedicated by Elder John C. Dalton of the Seventy


I wanted to pass on some recent news. Elder Dalton of the Seventy came and dedicated "Eagle Tower" for SCIRA, Inc. As many of you know SCIRA, Inc. was organized to purchase and maintain various repeater sites and equipment for the Bishops' Storehouse.

Special thanks to Blake and Alex Scullin for their wonderful Eagle Projects and especially to Elder Dalton for his support and encouragement!

Look for news regarding this in next weeks "Mountain News" paper based in the San Bernardino Mountains.

Aaron M. Scullin, VP

Saturday, September 19, 2009

LA Storehouse Repeater Site

Here are a few pictures of what we did at the LA storehouse.

What we accomplished; the antenna is up, no link antenna yet, but with hardline, the cabinet, an outside box with vents, this is a commercial light signal box, power connected to the box, one shelf inside the cabinet with Astron 20 amp power supply, with switch to backup power.

In attendance Joe Waite, Bob Moore, Jim Glancey and me.

Craig, KF6ZAF

Monday, September 7, 2009

The View from High on top of Eagle Tower.

Happy Labor Day everyone. My son Alex KI6LXD and I installed the link antenna for Snow Peak this morning. This is one more step closer to getting SCIRA's system linked.

Next we need donations to help us get band pass filters ($350) and an amplifier for the Snow Peak Repeater site ($600).

Spread the word. We're moving forward as fast as the donations allow. We appreciate everyone's help!

Aaron, K6AMS VP

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Eagle Tower Is Up!

Thanks to everyone for your support and sacrifice to get this project completed. Eagle Tower Repeater is now operational high on top of Eagle Tower.

We've still got a lot of behind the scenes work to do on the repeater. The coax needs to be cut to a shorter length, battery backup needs to be installed, Pre-amp and our link antenna for Snow Peak isn't up yet but will be as soon as we can. It's amazing how many HOURS it takes to get projects like this done. Please feel free to use Eagle Tower Repeater anytime you like. The system will continue to improve in the coming days and weeks.

Aaron, Vice President

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Special Welcome To Our Newest Board Members

On July 15, 2009 during our General Membership meeting, Karl Moody and Kris Scullin were both nominated as interim Member at Large Directors. Thanks for joining the board. We appreciate your service to SCIRA, Inc.

73s Aaron K6AMS

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Eagle Tower Upgrade

Hello everyone,

I want to give a special thanks to Craig Holmes, KF6ZAF and Bolton Allred, KI6RTZ for helping me install a brand new dipole array antenna along with a new stretch of hardline coax. So far it looks like the system is both hearing and transmitting much better! Please feel free to give it a try.

Future upgrades will include a preamp and of course the final resting place way up high on Eagle Tower once fully constructed by Eagle Scout Candidates Blake & Alex Scullin.

449.540 - pl 151.4 (Eagle Tower) located in Running Springs.

Aaron, K6AMS

Monday, June 8, 2009


To ALL SCIRA Members:

First an update on recent SCIRA activities:

Recently three people resigned from the SCIRA board; Mark Hayden,
Secretary, Joe Parrino, repeater specialist and Jim Burton a Member at
Large. We appreciate the work these three have done for SCIRA in
making our repeater group what it is today. Thank You Mark, Joe and

Mike Sorensen, KI6HWQ, one of our Members at Large has volunteered to
take Mark's place as Secretary for the remainder of the term.

We need three new Members at Large including a repeater specialist. If
you have a desire to serve with us, we would love to have you join the
Board. The yearly voting takes place at our annual meeting in
November. For those wishing to volunteer please respond to me by
email or phone by June 16th.

On Saturday, May 30th, Jim Dowdle, Doug Kunz and myself went up to
Snow Peak to install our new repeater. It is now on the air. The
frequency is 445.160 -- Pl 151.4. We still have some work to do. We
will go back up to add equipment and make some adjustments the last
Saturday of June.

We also have a new repeater working in Running Springs on 449.540 --
Pl 151.4 It will be linked to our Snow Peak repeater in the near
future. Eventually this repeater will be on top of our Eagle Tower
once that is completed.

Second to answer some of your inquiries regarding the frequency

We are currently using 440 UHF. SCIRA is third on the TASMA waiting
list for a frequency on 2 meters. We will keep you updated.

Thank You for your help!

Craig Holmes
KF6ZAF Colton ERC and SCIRA President

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Call for Interim Repeater Chair Nominations

On May 22, 2009, Joe Parrino resigned as Repeater Chair of SCIRA, Inc. The board is seeking nominations for a member to fill this position. Please send nominations to Craig Holmes, SCIRA, Inc. President.

Call for Interim Secretary Nominations

On May 21, 2009, Mark R. Hayden resigned as Secretary of SCIRA, Inc. The board is seeking nominations for a member to fill this position. Please send nominations to Craig Holmes, SCIRA, Inc. President.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Congratulations to Earl A. Purkiss, K6EAP

Welcome aboard to our newest board member! At the May 20, 2009 Board of Director’s Meeting, Earl A. Purkiss, K6EAP was selected to fill the Member at Large Director position recently vacated by Jim Burton. On May 13, 2009, Jim reluctantly resigned from his board position due to his expanding work schedule. We appreciate all the Jim was able to share with SCIRA, Inc. Jim you will be missed!

Earl is pictured second from the left.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Eagle Tower - Minor Variance & Building Permit Approved

Hello everyone,

We are extremely excited to anounce that Eagle Tower is officially approved by the County of San Bernardino. Pictured below are Eagle Scout Candidates from left to right, Alex Scullin - KI6LXD & Blake Scullin - Ki6LWV. They are proudly holding the permit in their hands. Great job boys!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Keller Peak Repeater Tower Work - ICY & COLD

Another successful day working on our repeater system. We braved the wind, clouds, snow covered road, and ICY tower! All went well and we had a good time.

Thanks to Eric & Craig Holmes for helping me this morning. I couldn't have done it without you guys!


Monday, March 23, 2009

SCIRA's 100th Member

Frank Bigelow, KG6TQV became the 100th member of SCIRA, Inc. on March 18, 2009. Frank is an active member of the Glendora Emergency Repsonse Communications (GERC) group of hams who serve the Glendora LDS Stake as emergency communicators.

Friday, March 6, 2009

We're back on Keller Peak Officially Again, PART 1

Special thanks to all they guys that took time off of work today so that we could get back on Keller Peak. We simply couldn't have done it with out you. Thanks, Joe, Earl, Chris, and Darryl for helping me! Here are some pictures from along the way.

We're back on Keller Peak Officially Again, PART 2

More photos.

Keller Peak Repeater Installation VIDEO

Assault of snowy Keller Peak Road VIDEO

Here's a view from my ATV. The road is only passable with an ATV or Snow Cat. Beautiful!

Aaron, K6AMS

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Keller Peak Road Snowed In

I tried to reach our repeater site at the top of Keller Peak Road in
the San Bernardino Mountains today. No luck! The snow was just to
deep and soft for my 4x4.

I'll have to try another day. I need to get up there to see about
installing our 220 system next.

Aaron, K6AMS

Monday, February 23, 2009

Running Springs Repeater Repairs

Hello everyone,

I just got done replacing the receive radio that had failed. Thanks
for everyone's patience while it was down for a couple of weeks. We
had quite a snow storm(s) for the last two weeks. As a result I had
to dig two 3' holes to get the cabinet open today.

Special thanks to Craig KF6ZAF and Jim KA6QZU for the on air testing


Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Banning Repeater Site!

A super big thanks goes out to board members Nyles Peterson, Craig Holmes, Jared Case, and to Bob Fuller who owns the Banning Site. These four guys went the extra mile for all us us. They spent all day in our behalf. Tasks included repairing a dead truck battery, reprogramming a remote key, not to mention the equipment and antenna's which were installed.

Many members never get to see what goes on behind the scenes. It's a lot of fun but also very time consuming!

As a result of their valiant efforts the Palm Springs area now has a 440 repeater. We've got a few more things to batten down and then it will be linked with the rest of the SCIRA, Inc. system.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Running Springs Primary & Backup Repeater Repairs

A big thanks goes to Joe (N6WZK) for driving all the way up to Running Springs this morning to help me get the repeater repaired.

We've got 2 to 3 feet of snow on the ground and that's plenty to freeze your feet when you have to stand in it for several hours!

We had to shovel a bit to get the cabinet open. Not too bad.

It appears to be functioning much better now. Thanks everyone for your patience. It's not easy keeping all our equipment running. None of the repeaters are in easy to get to spots.

We also tuned up the Running Springs Backup repeater.

Have a great day and we hope to hear you on the air!



JOTA Information for Hams

JOTA Information for Hams

For 50 years Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) has been a fusion of Scouting and Ham Radio. The Scouts talk to other Scouts via Ham Radio. JOTA begins at 00:01 local time on Saturday and closes down at 23:59 on Sunday. LDS Church standards preclude Sunday participation. Any Radio Amateur with an interest, but not necessarily active, in Scouting can help by having youth members and their leaders visit his/her station for any period during the weekend or by setting up a station at a local Scout location.
2008 Valle Del Sol JOTA in Covina, CA .
JOTA is held on the third weekend in October every year.

Before organizing a station, amateurs are strongly advised to satisfy themselves of the amount of interest within the local Scout groups. Also, please remember that the younger Scouts have a degree of distractability. The younger the Scout the shorter period of time that should be allotted for his Jamboree experience.
It should be remembered that JOTA is NOT a contest. The intention is to establish contact with other Scouting stations, and have an opportunity to learn about Scouting elsewhere, as well as telling others about Scouting activities in your own region and group. Radio Amateurs enter the event by calling "CQ Jamboree" or by answering other stations heard using this call. Any authorized amateur frequency and mode may be used. All Radio Amateurs must strictly observe their license regulations. Hams are always needed to help at the JOTA. If you are interested please contact Jim Dowdle, KG6TQT at